meaning of political party

Tories (British political party) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Definition of political hack in the Online Dictionary.. Noun, 1. political hack - a politician who belongs to a small clique that controls a political party for private.
In the United States, where the meaning of liberalism has parted significantly from ... Over the years, dozens of capitalism-supporting libertarian political parties.
Definition of party in Oxford Dictionaries (British & World English).
meaning of political party
Whig Party - Legal Dictionary - The Free Dictionary.
party - definition of party by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus.
Definition of political hack in the Online Dictionary.. Noun, 1. political hack - a politician who belongs to a small clique that controls a political party for private.
In the United States, where the meaning of liberalism has parted significantly from ... Over the years, dozens of capitalism-supporting libertarian political parties.
A ticket can also refer to a political party. In this case, the candidates for a given party are said to be running on the party's ticket. "Straight party voting" (most.
Republican Party - Legal Dictionary - The Free Dictionary.
political hack - The Free Dictionary.
Moderate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.